13 Things Your Pharmacist Won't Tell You What to bear in mind the next time you visit the local pharmacy counter.

Local pharmacy is creating many problem now a days. so people are going for online pharmacy. But both system has some pros and cons. If you are local pharmacy buyer then please know 13 things before you decide to buy.

1. Don't try to get anything past us. Prescriptions for painkillers or sleeping aids always get extra scrutiny.

2. We're not serving fries in here. I'd think twice about using a drive-through pharmacy. Working there distracts us-not a good thing when it comes to pharmaceuticals.

3. We're human … and we make mistakes (about two million a year). Ask if we use a bar-code system to help keep us from pulling the wrong drug off the shelf or giving the wrong strength of the right drug.

4. Sometimes we can't read the doctor's handwriting either. E-prescribing can help, but as of 2006, fewer than 20 percent of prescriptions were being electronically transmitted.

5. I hate your insurance company as much as you do. "Even if something's working for you, the insurance company may insist you switch to something else," says pharmacy owner Stuart Feldman."I'm stuck in the middle trying to explain this to customers."

6. We can give flu shots in most states.

7. A less-qualified pharmacy technician may have actually filled your prescription. Currently, there is no national standard for their training and responsibilities.

8. Generics are a close match for most brand names. But I'd be careful with blood thinners and thyroid drugs, since small differences can have big effects.

9. I can give you a generic refill that's different from the one you started with. When in doubt, ask. Online resources like cvs.com let you double-check your pill.

10. We're not mind readers, and there's not some big computer database that tracks your drugs and flags interactions for pharmacists everywhere. Use one pharmacy. If you start using a new one, make sure we know what you're taking.

11. Avoid the lines. It gets busy Monday and Tuesday evenings, since many new prescriptions and refills come in after the weekend.

12. Look into the $4 generics offered by chains like Target, Kroger, and Wal-Mart. And it can't hurt to ask your pharmacy if it will match the price.

13. Yelling at me won't help. If I can't reach your doctor and/or insurance company to approve a refill, there's nothing I can do about it. “It's frustrating,” says pharmacist Daniel Zlott, “but I'd be breaking the law in some states if I gave it to you.”

But if you are online pharmacy customer please follow these message explained below :

Hassles involving telephone calls and pieces of paper point to a weakness of online pharmacies: By and large, they're not set up to receive prescriptions from doctors electronically. As Allen Wenner puts it, "They haven't given me tools to use their services."

But they're making a start. Drugconnectionrx.com, for example, have teamed up with Hillsboro, OR-based MedicaLogic, which provides doctors with software for electronic medical records, including a Web-based version. The arrangement will allow doctors using MedicaLogic software to transmit prescriptions to the two Web drugstores via the Internet.

Similarly, online pharmacies are cultivating relationships with makers of wireless, handheld prescribing devices. Allscripts and ePhysician machines, for instance, can zap prescriptions straight to DrugConnectionRx.Com machines can digitally talk to Rx.com.

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In reply of one question asked related to weight loss, Clark Gilbert wrote about to use Drugconnectionrx.com.

Clark Gilbert is our costumer from 5 months. He says :

In my opinion you should go for xanax or valium Medicine. I have used xanax or valium and satisfied with it's result. This can be available at your near by pharmacy. But problem is that local pharmacy will cost you higher for this medication. Personally I bought it from online pharmacy. But be aware of many online pharmacy scam. So first of all decided to ask from nearby Doctors and friends, they told me to us drugconnectionrx online pharmacy. Drugconnectionrx.com is cheap and best for weight loss. i got my medication from Florida. Don't buy medicine from overseas. they all are scammed. I think I spoke to one Jazz and Jasmine, beautiful names and beautiful service they give, very patient and accommodating, I order with them all the time.

Thank you clark for your opinion for drugconnectionrx.com thank you our other customers too for long time good relationship with Drugconnectionrx.com


How to Find an Honest, Reliable Online Pharmacy you Can Trust

he Safe Way For Skeptics To Order Online Prescriptions

DrugConnectionRx.Com.com - Your Resource For Online Pharmacy

Are you having trouble finding an online pharmacy you can trust? One that gives you an online prescription for the same authentic drugs that you'd find at your neighborhood pharmacy, but at a far lower cost? With the large number of disreputable online pharmacies operating on the Internet today, it's not surprising that consumers are bewildered and skeptical.

With this in mind, we have prepared a list of dos and don'ts to follow when looking for and ordering from an online pharmacy. By keeping these tips in mind, even an Internet skeptic can enjoy all the benefits of getting an online prescription at a lower cost without compromising on health and safety.

In addition, we have compiled some useful resources and links on the subject of online pharmacies and the best way to safely get an online prescription. We hope it helps you learn about and explore various online pharmacy options.

DrugConnectionRx.Com.com - Your Resource For Online Pharmacy

Online Pharmacy Dos:

* Check with your doctor before purchasing drugs from an online pharmacy. More than anyone else, your doctor is aware of your medical history and can advise you if a particular medication is suitable for you. And if you have a serious medical condition, it is even more important to inform your doctor before obtaining an online prescription.

* Always check to see that the online pharmacy is staffed by fully licensed professional pharmacists. Reputable online pharmacies.

* Make sure the online pharmacy you select sells only FDA-approved medication. Before ordering an online prescription, also check to see if the website clearly states that the products it sells are made by the bona fide manufacturers of the drug.

* Watch out for counterfeit drugs. There have been numerous cases where online pharmacies have sold counterfeit or fake drugs. These are often ineffective or dangerous to your health. When you receive your online prescription, check the delivery carefully to ensure that the package appears genuine and has not been broken or tampered with.

* All online pharmacies should clearly post their privacy and security policies on their site. Make sure you read these carefully before providing any sensitive information such as your credit card details and medical history.

* Be extra careful if purchasing drugs from online pharmacies located outside the US. With overseas online pharmacies, there is no way to ensure that the product you ordered is genuine. It is very likely that the drug has not been manufactured, stored, packaged, and shipped under the same safety standards outlined by the FDA. Some foreign online pharmacies also sell drugs that have been banned in the US.

* Do take advantage of the significantly lower prices offered by many online pharmacies.

* Do enjoy the time you save when you order from an online pharmacy! Remember - with an online prescription, you won't spend time traveling to and from the neighborhood drugstore or waiting in line for your prescription.

DrugConnectionRx.Com.com - Your Resource For Online Pharmacy

Online Pharmacy Don'ts:

* Don't consider using online pharmacies that are not US-licensed to write and fill an online prescription.

* Never accept an online prescription for drugs that have not been approved by the FDA. These may not work as indicated or could harm your health and may even be life-threatening.

* Don't purchase anything from an online pharmacy that has an ambiguous privacy policy or that fails to clearly assure you how they will protect your personal information.

* Don't purchase from online pharmacies that make unrealistic claims about miracle drugs.

* Don't be fooled by online pharmacies that advertise unrealistically low prices for their products. They could be fake, counterfeit or illegal drugs.

* Never accept or take drugs if you suspect that the package has been tampered with or broken, or if the product inside doesn't look right. Notify the online pharmacy's customer service department immediately if you suspect a problem.

* Don't keep quiet if the online pharmacy you ordered from fails to deliver your order or if you find unexplained or unauthorized charges on your credit card statement. If you believe that an online pharmacy has engaged in unlawful pharmaceutical sales, do not hesitate to notify the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

DrugConnectionRx.Com.com - Your Resource For Online Pharmacy


Why do people prefer Generic Drugs from DrugConnectionrx online pharmacy

Generics: Attack of Clones

The same illness may be cured with various pills: cheap or expensive, imported or home-made. However, when it is the time to choose a medication both doctors and patients think that the more expensive is the drug the better are its properties. Still, not many people can explain, what is the real difference between expensive patented medicines and their cheaper analogues, or, as they are called by pharmacists, generics.

What are generics?

They are the so called analogues of the medications having developed and implemented into clinical practice, which patent protection has already run out. Generics have the same properties as original medications, as with its development everything may be copied: either composition, or the name and even the design of the package. In other words, generic is an imitation of the medication of original manufacturer, actually it is a counterfeit but a legal and a good quality one

The most popular generic was, is, and evidently will be aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Felix Hoffman, a German chemist, received a patent on it in 1899. Due to the patent Bayer, the company, up to the 1930 was the only manufacturer of aspirin and set prices as they see fit. (The same, by the way, is the case nowadays: when the medication is protected with the patent, its price is very high, and it is prohibited to produce analogues.)

In 1930 the life of the patent lapsed, and the medication became to be manufactured by other laboratories which were selling it on much cheaper price. Either "original" aspirin from Bayer, or many its analogues one may buy just now, more than 100 years after its invention. All those medications contain the same active substance - acetylsalicylic acid, still the Bayer's medicine is more expensive than all others.

Why so cheap?

The process of development of a new medication is a bed of thorns. Not all invented formulas, which cost much money, will reach a consumer – far from being it. Various phases of tests may find out defects of a new medication, for instance, high toxicity or some other serious specific side effect.

But let us imagine that everything is all right, and the newcomer has bright prospects. Then the scheme will be more or less as follows: there is invented a chemical formula (active substance) for which the manufacturer receives a patent.

Then the new medication undergoes preclinical trials (on mice and rats), and then clinical trials on healthy volunteers and patient with the diseases for which treatment this medication is developing.

If phase 2 has been successfully passed, the medication is registered as a medicinal agent and is permitted for use.

However, the manufacturer keeps on the run. Then there are series of clinical investigations: the medication is continued to be studied from various parts, in order to prove its efficiency and safety. Perhaps, these investigations will result in some other indications or medical regimen which will help to soothe the suffering of patients.

If you suppose that the manufacturer will always skim the cream off the earnings from a new medication – you are wrong. There is such a notion as a term of patent protection – it is a period during which the formula belongs to the inventor-firm. Averagely it is 20 years. Thus, a pharmaceutical company has about five years in reserve to pay for multimillion expenses for researches. That is why an innovator medicine costs so much money.

Generic manufacturers do not ever have such expenses. They are just to repeat what was developed before. That is such a pharmaceutical company does not spend money for tests and does not assert the right of existence of an active substance, it is enough to manage to include the agent into a suitable drug product, take care of pureness of the substance and of the good quality of additives. When a generic enters the market a pharmaceutical company does not need to spend money for advertisement and promotion of the brand. That is why the copy costs several times as cheaper as its background.

Is cheap bad?

Regardless its low cost most generics are of a good quality and quite safe, pharmacists think. The thing is that "generic firms" most often produce the versions of popular and efficient medicines, of which production and side effects are known much. They do not take up suspicious drugs.

For instance, a popular antidepressant costs about 20 dollars. But other tablets of several times cheaper price also contain active substance. If these medications are produced by good reputation manufacturers their quality will not be worse of innovator ones.

Pharmacists have reached verdict: well bought are those medications that have approved themselves or are supported by an active advertising. They also think that eventually the number of innovator medications will reduce, whereas the quality of generics and their equivalence to "innovators" will grow.

Who needs generics?

First of all a consumer.

But many medical doctors refilling prescriptions do not take account of the income of a patient. Do you often meet a doctor who asks a patient which medication to prescribe: an expensive one or a cheap one? Unfortunately, not. Pharmacists say that in their pharmacies there often come old-aged pensioners with a refilling prescription for a medication that costs hundreds of dollars. Whereas its analogue, having given a good account, costs two-three times cheaper. Of course, doctors have no time to come down to financial problems of their patients. However it may be the case that the innovator medication is just more known, its manufacture has spent for its advertising more funds…Or, prosily has encouraged the doctor to prefer an innovator medication rather than a cheap generic.

Who will win the future?

Generics were, are and will be – pharmacists are sure. Of course, the purchasing power of people is growing, but it will not soon reach such indications when a price difference of one or two hundred dollars is negligible. That is why "cheap copies" is possibly the best decision for the pharmacy business and the public health in whole.


What an average customer buys most often? Innovator (brand) medications or generics approved themselves?

George, a manager:

– It is a usual practice, when, for instance, you need an antibiotic. But instead of an excellent medicine of a decent price you will be offered an analogue, but much more expensive. I was caught several times with the same bait, in the same pharmacy. The say "Unfortunately, there is no such medicine now, there is another one, imported, better than the medication you need, but a bit more expensive". You buy….but it is in the best case of no use. Query, why should I pay more? I'd better buy a cheaper analogue.

Mark, a teacher:

– Of course, I do not like the idea to pay for a thing I do not need. The medicine must cure. Whereas prestigious brands are attributes of fashionable clothes and similar goods. So, I, whenever possible prefer a generic from a reliable and tried-and true manufacturer.

Valentina, medical doctor:

– Of course, generics are substantially cheaper than innovator medications, and their effectiveness are not at all less. That is why I most often prescribe tried-and true generics. Their quality suits me and for my patients generics are more accessible.


Know About DrugConnectionRx.Com

Drugconnectionrx.com is an online pharmacy located in the United States of America. We allow all our customers to purchase prescription drugs without any prior medical prescription. Our team of US licensed physicians will review the order form and prescribe the selected medication for free.

Note :- All orders are shipped using UPS overnight service. As soon as your prescription is approved by our physicians your order is shipped. We guarantee the best prices compared to any no prescription online pharmacy located in the United States selling only FDA approved medications.

We are proud to bring you our wide selection of prescription drugs all of them FDA approved and shipped from the United State. You'll be able to order online and over the phone 24x7. No Waiting for Doctors and no extra fees for medical prescriptions, you can order anytime, with No prior prescription needed!

Our online pharmacy no prescription provides the convenience of ordering medications from your own home or office at the time that suits you! Buy prescription drugs online Safely and Securely through our secure transaction server, and pay using a wide range of credit cards.

Our online order process could not be simpler, just select the prescription drug you need, fill in our medical questionnaire, and submit your order. Our U.S Licensed Physicians will review your order and issue your drug prescription. Next, our U.S. Licensed Pharmacies will dispense, and UPS your order discreetly using overnight delivery. You can contact our no online pharmacy at any time 24/7 either by clicking the Live Help button for a live chat session with our customer service staff, or you can call us.

Call Now 1-8669421095 (Toll-Free)

We look forward to help you with all your medical needs, this time, and in the future. Not only our customers love our products, but they also tell us they greatly appreciate our efforts to get the products in their hands as quickly and discreetly as possible. Happy customers result in a good business - we do all we can to keep our customers fully satisfied with our services! No Prescription Online Pharmacy is your convenient, safe and private online source for FDA approved medications without prescription.

Why Online Internet Pharmacy ?

Welcome to our Internet Pharmacy.

We offer a wide selection of the most popular medicines online... with FREE medical consultations, FAST shipping through UPS, LOW prices and 24X7 Toll-free(1-8669421095) customer support!

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Why choose us:

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We have one function and one function only, to save you money on your medication. We provide top-quality products, world-class customer service, excellent value for money, and we welcome your feedback. Try us - you will not be disappointed!

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Online Pharmacy @ DrugConnectionRx

WE, at DrugConnectionRx.com to assure all our clients that it is our commitment to bring to you the highest quality of FDA approved medicines. We fulfill current prescriptions as well as our doctors are available for consultation and renewal as we use only licensed US pharmacies and bonded with us couriers to serve you and fulfill all your orders on-time. Your PRIVACY IS GUARANTEED with us here at DrugConnectionRx.com

To fulfill all your orders, DrugConnectionRx.com uses solely US licensed pharmacies, and to ensure your SECURITY AND PRIVACY, US bonded couriers are used for timely delivery as you can see, DrugConnectionRx.com ( Call 1-8669421095 Toll-Free) is the only source on-line, a "one-stop-shop" for all your medication requirements. TRY US NOW, we will not fail you, instead we promise to keep you SATISFIED.

( Call 1-8669421095 Toll-Free)